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Healing Sessions

Sometimes in life we need a little extra support and guidance to help us get through times of darkness, suffering, or confusion in order to get us back on our path and follow our true North.


This is for you if you are a woman seeking help with your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. You must be ready and open to receive support in the form of intuitive coaching through deep conversation, and in somatic healing such as meditation, breath work, reiki healing, sound healing, and intuitive movement!​


Each healing and guidance session will begin with a deep conversation and the opportunity to share your intentions.


These conversations offer you support, affirmations for your inner voice, and an unlimited amount of intuitive tools, techniques and practices, all tailored to you and your personal needs.


I will coach you through whatever blocks, resistance, or difficulty you are facing so that you can get to the deeper meaning and reasoning behind the greater why of what you are feeling and experiencing.


This will help you cultivate the change you are seeking within your life and self, provide you with tons of mindfulness tools for self love and care, and give you mental, emotional, and spiritual guidance and inspiration to move forward.


Then we heal somatically either with Reiki and Sound Healing when in person, or Embodiment Work when online.


You will be provided with affirmations and intuitive insight regarding your healing journey, and tools to take home with you to continue in your newly found alignment!



Reiki is a form of hands on energy healing that works with the chakras and energy body by dissolving blocks and increasing the flow of energy throughout the system.


Reiki reveals where in the body, mind, and soul there are blocks of stored pain, trauma and emotions. It works energetically to bring the old stagnant energy to the surface to be transformed into light and positivity.


This revelation allows me to see deeply into what needs to be healed and transformed within your and your life, and offers you a great sense of calmness, wellness and peace.


Sound is an ancient method and form of healing that uses vibrations to bring your mind, body and soul into balance. Sound waves travel deep into the cells of the body in concentric circles changing the frequency of vibration along the way.


Sound is a powerful tool in dismantling blocks in the physical and energetic bodies, and creating a deeply healing environment for profound transformation and spiritual realization.


This realization brings you back into your wholeness, oneness, connectedness, freedom, and deeper knowing and understanding of the highest truth.



Embodiment work is a general term used for when we combine somatic movement and practice with specific intention. It is one of the most profound ways of creating deep transformation in the direction of your souls highest potential.


Embodiment is the energy and vibration that you BE. It is determined by what you think, believe, perceive, and how you act and interact in the world.


We all desire to be our highest, most authentic, soul aligned self. Your embodiment practice bridges the gap between who you be now, and who you desire to be.


Opening up your voice has the power to alchemize all of your limitations and struggles into pleasure and play.


Your voice is a healing tool that gives expression and release to the blocks you have inside, and allows you to meet more of your authentic self.


But opening up the voice is vulnerable as we have to face the voices of criticisms, judgement and fear.


Having someone hold space for you and guide you through can provide you with the tools you need to tap into your creative channel and authentic voice.

Private Sessions

90min Healing & Guidance Session




Plus 1 week of messaging support for integration

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