A couple of bleeds ago I had the opportunity to go deep. It's something I strive for every time, but lets be honest, life has a way of having it's own flow. But this time was one of those times, where my schedule was fully clear and I had the whole of two days to be on my own.
I adorned myself in silky red and felt called to cover my head with a scarf that carries the codes of Mary Magdalene. Though I didnt realise it at the time, I was preparing for a ceremony that would forever change my life.
I made myself a cup of cacao and infront of my mirror I sat down and immediately dropped into prayer. I infused my cup of cacao with the intentions from within my heart and expressed my desire for more.
Sip after sip the medicine flowed in, and my heart and channel began to open. I was able to see patterns that were playing out in my life that were keeping me stuck in a huslte and grind that I thought I left behind, but I didnt.
I was then able to see clearly a different way of life, the feminine way, the path of the priestess. Where abundance flows, sisterhood is in many ways home, and I live my life in deep devotion. Where my service is to god alone, and because of this, all else is taken care of.
In that moment I remembered our lives in the temples, when things were covered in red and gold. We would spend our days braiding each others hair, tending to the wounded and healing souls. And when the evenings started, so did the parties. We would dance and sing, and celebrate everything.
Our relationship with men was so different too, because we weren't codependant, we we're whole on our own. And when they would come and join us in the temples our time together was sacred, and in every other moment us sisters would be together.
We were fulfilled and taken care of, magic and synchronicities weren't something so unheard of, it was our way of life. Everything showed up right on time, and our channels were open for the goddess to come through.
When I opened my eyes, as a sat before my mirror, I was Mary Magdalene. I remembered.
My third eye was so wide open that I will never forget again. Who I am and what I'm here for is something I can no longer ignore. This priestess within me is remembered, and to this path I am deeply surrendered.
It is my prayer for you that you remember too, the greatness of who you are and the magic your meant you bring though. That you were there in days of the temples, and now is the time reclaim your innate wisdom.
Blessed be, and so it is.